An Exercise in Self Love: What Would You Wish for Yourself?

Here are the things that I wish for myself. What are yours?

Spontaneity and lightheartedness

  • To take myself less seriously
  • To live in the moment, love fully with the heart, laugh more often
  • To be more spontaneous and open to experience new things


  • To remind myself of the absurdly improbable nature of this magical existence
  • To take a moment to appreciate and celebrate
    • Our beautiful planet, it’s vast landscapes and the plants and animals that inhabit it
    • Human achievement and expression, history, art and music, science and technology
    • The (absurdly unnecessary, but imperssive) complexity of modern tech
    • The Internet and it’s memes
    • My healthy body and mind
    • The wonderful and inspiring people in my life
    • The immense privilege I got, to have human rights and freedom, and live in this relatively very enlightened age
  • To let the people that have a positive impact on my life know they are appreciated and loved


  • To become more intentful about my:
    • Inputs - Media, environment, people I decide to include in my life and thoughts
    • Internal processes - Thinking patterns, emotional reactions
    • Outputs - Energy management, words, actions, activities

Emotional development

  • To develop a better relationship with my inner child and recognize when it needs me to change things
  • To be patient and give myself time and space to grow and transform
  • To be unafraid of mistakes
  • To be unafraid of change
  • To be unafraid of challenging my fears and preconceptions
  • To let go of things and ideas that don’t serve me anymore
  • To let go of people that hurt me (or are ultimately harmful for me)
  • To embrace new things, experiences, ideas and people that make my life better

Mind development

  • To take care of my mind and nurture it
  • To become more organized
  • To recognize overthinking and other unhelpful thinking patterns
  • To consume less content
  • To allocate time for cognitive and emotional processing
  • To give myself time and space for relaxation
  • To take more informed decisions (utilize AI)
  • To document my process and let it grow organically

Social development

  • To stay connected with family and friends I care about
  • To be unafraid to show love, passion, excitement
  • To be more forgiving to myself and others
  • To have lasting, meaningful friendships, share experiences and grow together
  • To be comfortable enough to share happiness, sadness, random ideas and other human memes with my friends
  • To learn to trust and rely on friends
  • To have the courage to stand up to my ideals, and the wisdom to recognize when it’s not right anymore
  • To let animals into my life (Which ones? time will tell… I’ve always wanted a Golden Retriever or Labrador)

Physical development

  • To take care of my body and nurture it (good food, water, sunlight, workout, healthy sleeping patterns)
  • To listen to my body and recognize when it needs me to change things
  • To maintain good health and do regular health checkups
  • To keep working out and become stronger and healthier
  • To explore more ways to connect with my body


  • To have better control of my digital content and identity (e.g. by self-hosting)
  • To keep my digital life organized and live it with intent
  • To give myself time and space to learn and play with varied and new technologies
  • To not succumb to the influences of social media and information overload
  • To reduce and eliminate platforms that employ dark patterns from my tech life (such as notifications and other dopamine-hit-invoking “features”, FOMO, doomscrolling)
  • To ensure that ultimately my machines serve me and I don’t serve them
  • To balance time spent with myself, computers, humans, animals and nature
  • To let tech become an aid, synergize and be in harmony with other aspects of my life


  • To take care of my human aspects before I start working
  • To keep my workspace clean, organized and optimized for focus
  • To work with intent and joy
  • To work on meaningful problems that are worth solving
  • To do less and complete more
  • To set healthy time boundaries and not overwork myself
  • To remind myself to take breaks and recharge
  • To remind myself to take vacations

Community impact

  • To allocate time to help others by:
    • Volunteering
    • Mentoring
    • Sharing knowledge
    • Leading by example
    • Actively researching better ways to generate meaningful impact
    • Building community spaces and frameworks for people to learn and grow with