Why I am a Pantheist

I was always in profound awe when being in nature. The feeling of climbing a mountain, seeing the cloudy sky, the oceans, feeling the raindrops, looking at the absurd complexity and beauty of the human hand, a leaf, a flower.

Last night, I came to what I feel is a very deep and real realization that is now clear to me as daylight. I don’t know how I have managed to avoid it for 33 years being on this planet.

It came to me when listening to The Glitch Mob - You Need (revision) featuring edIT.

The track is an abstract composition of small hints, it has an atmosphere and a pattern that builds up progressively. You don’t really know where it’s going, but it’s hypnotic and captivates your attention. There is just a bassline, samples of distorted voice, patterns, notes and chords. There is a lot of missing information that is for your own imagination to complete. It sounds almost like random but you can tell there is order, design, and a missing part.

You are imagining that missing part but you can’t exactly grasp it.

In 1:48, something happens; You hear it - a very short pattern of notes. Suddenly, the entire thing makes perfect sense. It’s the answer to this track that your mind has been trying to conjure for almost 2 minutes, and for a moment you are in awe and ecstasy. All the questions you had are gone, the song with what seemed like little quirks, a sense of discord and disharmony, makes perfect sense now. It is complete.

I think life is the same way.

Let’s assume that none of this means anything (whatever “meaning” means to you), and we are all just a bunch of molecules, floating in space without purpose. Everything is creating total randomness and we are all here by pure chance. Why the hell would we have this world complete the conscious human experience in such an absolute and beautiful way? And why would you even get the perspective of a human, and not be a rock somewhere on Mars? We are literally sitting in the cockpit of creation and we have the ability to shift and change your own destiny, create and destroy, communicate with other humans, animals and entities? Share experiences, feelings, identity, fears, dreams, love, how the hell does that even work?

It makes no sense. There has to be a missing piece to this puzzle that we have yet to discover.

The mystical aspect of whether it is “divine”, does not matter in my eyes. These are just human terms to describe something that is so abstract to us, but is evident through the entire human life experience, that it is almost obvious it is something that belongs to the underlying core of existence itself.

I have long been fond of this idea, but until this moment I couldn’t put a finger the exact reasoning for it. The term I found describes the closest thing to this belief is Pantheism.